Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Three Storybooks I Like:
(Prometheus Vengeance of the Sun)  
            The topic is something I am familiar with, not in a sense of being in depth about the topic, but knowing enough to understand the subject. Yes, the introduction does a great job of explaining the topic and prompting me to want to read it. The whole page layout is really intriguing; it is very creative and grabs my attention. The layout brings everything together and allows you to get a good feel of the culture behind the topic. The design of the Storybook is great; it’s easy to navigate through and is very detailed. I really enjoy it and might use the same concept of using a picture of the page’s background.
            This type of topic really grabs my attention because it is something I enjoy looking into and learning about. Yes, the introduction does a good job of setting up the Storybook and prompting you to read on about the topic. The page layout is pretty basic, but the pictures do a great job of helping the stories in the Storybook by giving you some sort of visual for the stories. The layout of the Storybook is simple, but it’s easy to navigate through. I might use pictures to bring in a visual effect to the Storybook.
            Ghostly stories always are extremely interesting to me because I am infatuated with ghost, spirits, etc. Yes, the introduction does a good job of putting the pieces in place for the rest of the Storybook. It’s more of the topic at hand that grabs my attention more than the layout or page design because for the most part it is all pretty basic, but done in an orderly fashion. This allows for easy navigation through the Storybook.

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