Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset:
Quote by Jack Canfield
·       I have not heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before now. This is the first time I have ever heard about this phenomenon.
·       I see myself on both sides of the spectrum regarding the “Growth Mindset” because depending on the subject in school I will engage in it, but for example, last semester in Chemistry it was extremely tough for me and I lost a lot of drive and engagement after I failed multiple tests.
·       Last semester was my first semester at OU, and it was a lot to adapt to coming in from a smaller university. I learned that I needed to be better prepared for class than I did at my last university.
·       I will be very interested in learning more about the “Growth Mindset” and seeing where it could take me in the future.
·       My personal learning goals for this semester include achieving at least a GPA of 3.0 and furthering my overall knowledge.


  1. Hi Cody!
    I'm glad that you've been exposed to Carol Dweck and her growth mindset philosophy. I am a huge believer in growth mindset. It gives a different perspective on "failure." For example, you said that you lost your drive after failing multiple chemistry exams, but maybe you didn't fail. Instead of seeing it as failure, see it was an opportunity to improve your chemistry skills. According to Dr. Dweck, you didn't fail. You just weren't there yet. I know it's not easy to see a failing grade. I have failed SEVERAL times (more than I'd like to admit), but the more I saw my failure as a challenge, the more I began to improve. It's an interesting concept. I hope you look more into growth mindset!

  2. I had never heard of Dweck before this class either. I do like the photo with the quote you choose to add though. I would also have to agree with the quote in the photo. I think it is really good you placed a goal for this semester. Goals can help you keep on track. I also transferred to OU from a small junior college, It was a big change.
