Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Week 14 Reading Diary, continued

Hans the Hedgehog
·       . There was a countryman who was very wealthy, in terms of money and land, but one thing he did not possess in his happiness was he had no children. He would go into town with the other peasants and they would constantly mock him and ask why he did not have any children of his own.
·       He became angry and determined to have a child of his own, even it was a hedgehog. His ended up having a child that was a hedgehog in the upper part of his body and a boy in the lower. She saw the child and was terrified. She said that he had brought ill-luck upon both of them. They named him “Hans the Hedgehog”.

           He could not into a regular bed due to his spikes, so he was forced to lay down on a little mound of straw behind the stove. Also, his mother could not suckle him because he would prick her with his quills if she did.
·       He laid there for eight years and his father grew tired of him and though, “If he would but die!” He did not die, but continued to lay there.
·       There was a fair in town, and the peasant was headed to it. He asked his wife what he should bring back with him for her. She wanted a little meat and a couple of white rolls. Then he asked the servant if she want anything and she requested a pair of slippers and some stockings with clocks. At last, he asked Hans want he wanted and he wanted some bagpipes.
·       Hans began to play his bagpipes. A King, who has lost his way, heard the music and was astonished at what he heard. The King asked Hans if he knew the road back to the kingdom, which he did. He lead him back to his kingdom as the King wrote him a bond and promised him something in the royal courtyard.

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