Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Saints and Animals

A picture of Saint Francis, 13th-century fresco.

Reading Diary: Saints and Animals
            I am using this Reading Diary #1 to take notes from Saints and Animals, this will allow me to take pieces of the story that I like and get a general idea of how I want to build my story at the end of the week.
   Notes from Saints and Animals:
·       Kentigern is the smallest child in the school, but the smartest one. (Gives a sort of feel that even the ones who do not look the part are some of the best options.)
·       The character of Kentigern is someone that interests me.
·       He had to fight out the struggles put on him by other students.
·       He overcame each and every obstacle the other students put before him to try and get him in trouble because they were jealous of his stature.
·       Saint Blaise wanted to learn how to help all of the creatures
·       The creatures surrounded him and felt comfortable in his presence.
·       The setting of Saint Comgall and the Mice.
·       For Comgall is an Irish word which means "the goodly pledge."
·       The swans loved Saint Comgall as they saw him.
·       Saint Comgall and his family became hungry, but knew of a selfish Prince who had a lot of grain to make bread. He would rather see people starve than help them.
·       The friendship that Comgall built with mice helped him in the end by getting the best of the selfish Prince.
·       The main overall of all the stories being that faith will get you through the tough times and over the obstacles that life throws at you.

Author: (Abbie Farwall Brown)

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