Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary

Week 10 Reading Diary
The Killing of the Monsters
·       Naiyenesgani went to where Elk has been killing people. He was not able to get close to it even though he approached it from every side possible. Another person came to him volunteering himself to be his partner.
·       Naiyenesgani went to Elk, motioned four times, and took a shot at him. He was hidden in a hole that his new partner had made. The elk destroyed that hole. He went to another hole; the elk destroyed that one as well. He went to another hole which Elk destroyed also.
·       Naiyenesgani went to the tunnel at the bottom; the Elk destroyed this too, but in the process the elk fell down dead. He skinned it and took the hide, chopped off one of the horns, and filled two of the blood vessels with blood and laid out the hide to dry.
·       Naiyenesgani started towards the eagle and wrapped his self inside the elk hide. The eagle kept trying to dive down and drive his talons into him, but failed each time because he could not break through the hide.
·       The eagle came back one more time, and this time was successful in his attempt and carried away the man back home to his young.
·       Naiyenesgani came out of the hide holding the horn of the elk in his hand and asked,”When your father comes home, on what rock does he sit?”
·       They pointed to which rock he would sit on and Naiyenesgani sat there until the father came again, but with him a pretty dead girl which he dropped. Naiyenesgani hit him with the horn and the eagle fell into the canyon.
·       He asked the young where their mother sat and when she came back, he knocked her down in the canyon just like the father.

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